It was one of the rockiest and scariest times in my long career as a branding Designer. However VGC, which I founded 26 years ago has not just survived but am proud to say, emerged a stronger, wiser and smarter version of itself. A shout out to my amazing team that showed so much commitment, resilience and a can-do attitude that sailed us through, clocking in some amazing project wins and launches that made our clients happy and lining up for more. We were just so busy working that even forgot to celebrate our 25th anniversary!
So what is VGC’s mojo, that consistently makes us tide over tumultuous times? it’s our approach to raising the IQ of brands using Design as an enabler and a management tool. Design in its purest sense is intelligence at work. You may add layers of craft and technology, contextualise it to environmental, social and corporate aspirations. But at the core, good Design is the truth that is rooted in Intelligence.
Designomics, our proprietary process, uses Design intelligence, combining awareness, enquiry, empathy, uninhibited creativity, humility and superlative craftsmanship.

To be effective Designers, you need to be aware of the shifting trends, politics, culture, arts, science, tech, the planet, and of course, the people. I call it raising your Design Consciousness, without judgement. Only awareness. This then becomes your field of inspiration and helps you take an informed position in your Design project.

It is viewing a situation from the vantage point of your TG. Getting inside their heads gives you a deeper understanding of what they want from their lives and the universe.

A research based attitude helps give an unbiased view and the interesting insights that popup can be just amazing.

it’s time to let lose the magnificent beasts of ideas that prowl around in your head. The fresh ideas that pop out may just be the miracle design solution you need!

Craftsmanship is a religion you worship daily at the altar in your heads, hearts and Macs. If that slight misalignment, oversight of kerning, or a differentiated colour, doesn’t bother you, then there is no hope for you.
Staying true to our Designomics DNA to raise Brand IQs helped not just to sail past Covid, but also to stay on top of our game for 26 years!